Exciting Opportunity to Advertise At the World-Famous Angola Rodeo!
Since 1964, Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola has been the site of the “Wildest Show in the South.” This unique event was started by inmates and employees of the state’s only maximum-security prison, once known as “The Bloodiest Prison in the World.”
Today, rain or shine, the event draws more than 70,000 people annually during events held on the third weekend of April and the traditional every Sunday in October. Spectators from all walks of life from nearly all corners of the globe come to hear great inmate bands, sample authentic Cajun and regional foods such as boudin, crawfish, and cracklins, shop affordable, high-quality arts and crafts from
over 800 inmate artists, and tour the massive 18,000-acre prison farm known for its cotton, wheat, and corn fields.
Finally, they enjoy a professionally run, nail-biting, gut-wrenching rodeo featuring events like Convict Poker (four inmates sit motionless, holding a deck of cards at a table while a 2,000-pound bull attempts to intimidate them into throwing their hands as he “clears” the table). Guts and Glory features inmate participants on foot attempting to pull a poker chip from between a huge bull’s horns before
a three-minute timer signals the event is over – and the inmates do get airborne!
Angola is also the most toured and visited prison in the world, with an estimated 16,000 coming each year representing all demographic groups of the population. Major media (BBC, CNN, ESPN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and more), major motion pictures (Dead Man Walking, Out of Sight, and Monster’s Ball recently) and Academy Award-nominated documentaries (The Farm and The Wildest Show in the South – The Angola Prison Rodeo) have all captured scenes of the historic prison.
We would like to discuss the possibilities of your company becoming involved as a major sponsor of this world-renowned, sold-out event. We guarantee annual national and international media coverage of your products and your company’s name. In fact, the European press says that witnessing the Angola Prison Rodeo is second only to the Running of the Bulls in Spain. You can search the world and not find another event quite like this one. We would love to send you a video of the wild show. We would love for you to attend the event as our special guest. We are confident that you will see firsthand what makes this event a must-see experience for thousands who come from as far as Montana, Canada, Europe, Australia, and even Japan. The term “win-win” was created for this partnership. We are open to all suggestions. Tell us what we can offer to make this happen.
For more information on media, please contact Anne Easley, at Telephone (225) 655-2897, Fax (225) 655-2319
For information on advertising, call Melissa Menser @ (225) 655-2060 or